Words have power. Written words provide proof. You can read them, and reread them whenever you want. They can speak life to someone who needs encouragement. They can speak death to someone who is being deceived. The choice lies within you. How is it that you want people to remember you? Encourager...that is the gift that God has laid on my heart. To use my written, spoken, and/or sung words to lift people up. To be one link in their road to healing, restoration, joy. I have been without those things, and I claim them to be mine again. If you want me to seek God on a prayer for a specific situation...that is why I am here. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to pray God's Word of Life over you.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Fall Photo Shoot

So, the other afternoon I was waiting for my husband to get home…and I decided it was an excellent day for a photo shoot. =) (The day actually wasn’t that good. I LOVE FALL, but the sun was not at all shining…but I was in the mood…so I pressed on.) The results…make my day. Seriously…I love to take pictures of my kids. I love to edit pictures of my kids. I love to look at pictures of my kids. And I love to scrap pictures of my kids. And these…are so going to be in their scrap books. Maybe even on my walls!! =)



2012 Fall Photo Shoot 015

My gorgeous princess Ariel. She always smiles. She makes other people smile. She is quirky and fun. I love everything about her. (Okay…maybe I don’t LOVE the screaming it takes to brush those blonde locks..but everything else for sure!!)


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2012 Fall Photo Shoot 044

This is my new spot. I want sooo  badly to get all of my children on this branch. I will need a ladder. I will need a (willing) helper. And I will need the sun to be shining from behind them. Is that too much to ask? Lol! Aiden stepped on my shoulder and hung out while I snapped a few shots of him. Lol!




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2012 Fall Photo Shoot 047

My kiddos…a little awkward. (Although I do love the hand holding in the front row!)

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There…that is better. That is my children! Always on. Always wrestling. Or tickling. Or chasing.


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But ALWAYS loving each other!! =)



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They do this stuff without me even asking. I love it!!

2012 Fall Photo Shoot 086


So that is all I really wanted for today. I love my kids. I love catching glimpses of them being sweet…and showing love.


How wonderful it is…to see them grow and learn.

How awesome it is to hear them pray.

How amazing it is to know that the world gets to experience them…and to be influenced positively by them.

That is what I teach them. And that is what I pray for!


Enjoy your fall! I know I am. I had an amazing pumpkin dessert tonight. Yes…I made it…but it is really sooo good! Then I had a homemade pumpkin latte. Followed up with a horse drawn carriage ride with a bunch of amazing people…with a hot cup of wassil in hand!

Did I mention I love fall? ;)