All I have!?! Does that throw up a red flag? Does that make just a little bit of anger rise up from within the 'pit' of your stomach? It should. Don't feel as though I am comdemning my friend. I am right beside you. I am feeling guilty of such a thought. I thought it oh...yesterday...this morning. *sigh*
Question: What is prayer?
Answer: Talking with God. Not just TO...but WITH! It implies a conversation. A conversation in which there are two parties that respond to each other.
Have you ever been a part of a conversation in which you are purely the listener. Not because it was your place or your will...but because you
Is that how your prayer life is? Always going on and on and on...but never waiting for the response. Never listening for the other side of the conversation you are having. Try it. Wait on God during your prayer. Seek your answers in His Word. Take those promises in the Bible and stand firm on them.
Question: What does Romans 8:28 have to say about your current situation/circumstance? (We need not be specific. Believe me...I could throw all of my current trials at you...but that would absolutely NOT change the reality of the following promise.)
Answer: "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
This has been my saving grace lately. The fact that this verse says
I can see the wheels turning right now. They are going in my brain as well. "If you only knew what I was would understand why it is hard to trust this promise." Yep...sounds like the scheme of the enemy. he wants you to live in fear. he wants you to question the truth and promise from the only ONE who will never leave nor forsake us.
He sees your heartache. He sees the people who you thought loved you, fail at your unspoken expectations. Read here, one of my favorite ever written posts, more about those 'expectations' if you have a moment. It will hopefully inspire you to release your family and friends from being your all. They weren't meant to carry that responsibility...and they are not going to match up. Sorry if that is a shocker. I am not putting anyone down...just trying to help you to realize if you've been expecting the unrealistic.
NEWSFLASH!! Don't feel like for a minute that you are ineffective when you are going through trials. When you feel as though you are at minimum. You are no longer relying on your own strength, but instead on the muscles of your Daddy. He is big stuff, and He will use you when you are willing...not matter how weak you may feel. Be open to being used and be encouraged when He chooses you. He used mud. He used a donkey. And He can absolutely use you faithful one!
Question: What does your worship sound like?
Answer: This one is one that only you can answer. I am not asking you to sing for me. I am not asking you to rate your voice on a scale from tone deaf to extraordinary. I am asking you how you worship. Is it full of passion for your Savior? Is it full of emotion because it seems like all you have some days? Is it boring because you just aren't into it? Is it genuine?
My daughter (who will be 6 next week, gasp!) has been singing
The really amusing part of that story? That is me! I am the 'annoying' always and forever worshipper. I am always singing. Haha! How dare I try to squealch the very character that I myself taught her by my actions. Lesson learned. Moving on...
You are in charge of your worship walk. You are in charge of your prayer walk. No one else will answer for what you do or do not do. Don't worry about who is to your left or right. Just pray with your Father. Just sing to your Maker. Show Him how much you adore Him no matter what your 'pit' or projected outcome looks like. You can trust that His promise in Romans is to you, beloved. Start living like you are winning. Start speaking as though you are above and not beneath. Start loving like you are God's daughters and sons. Imitate your Father so that when people see your life they see Him!