Words have power. Written words provide proof. You can read them, and reread them whenever you want. They can speak life to someone who needs encouragement. They can speak death to someone who is being deceived. The choice lies within you. How is it that you want people to remember you? Encourager...that is the gift that God has laid on my heart. To use my written, spoken, and/or sung words to lift people up. To be one link in their road to healing, restoration, joy. I have been without those things, and I claim them to be mine again. If you want me to seek God on a prayer for a specific situation...that is why I am here. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to pray God's Word of Life over you.

Friday, April 8, 2011

It has been too long

Hey all. I am glad to be back. We had some major issues with our computer and had to get it fixed, which was not cheap. But...as I said, I am so glad to be back. I have missed writing! I didn't want to wait any longer...but I do have to make it kind of quick. I have a little boy who had a fever and was throwing up in the middle of the night. I think that my kids got together last night and mapped out a plan of who was going to wake up every 30 minutes. With four of them...they kept me going until 4am. So, if I don't make much sense...please forgive me. =) Pray that they all take a nap at the same time today...so that I can.
God has been helping me to reveal the plots of satan lately. How about you? If you are going through trials...are you seeing the deceiver? Are you learning to fight him off? Are you gaining knowledge on how he has been getting to you...so that you can beat him at his game?

 I pray that you are. I pray that you aren't just taking it...like that is how it has to be. I pray that you are getting stronger everyday. I pray that you are relying on God for your strength. I pray that you are gaining wisdom on how to be a more effective faith-filled child of the King.

On another note...I am really excited for God to give me the opportunity to sing my newest song..."Stronger". I get choked up each time I sing it to Him...because I know what He brought me through. I can't wait to give my testimony of God's constant protection over my life.

Pray that God will work out the details for our church's first women's retreat. I know it is going to be powerful. I am so thankful that I get to be a small part of it. If anyone is interested in details on the retreat....you are all welcome to come. God has already sparked an excitement in those of us that are planning it. I feel anxious...in a good way...because I can't wait for God to work in the lives of the Godly women I am surrounded by.

1 comment:

  1. Vaness - I am glad you are back too! I have missed your posts! As I said yesterday when I called - I miss you guys!

    I am sorry to hear that you have a sick one! Hope he feels better!

    Hang in there!

