Whoo hoo...here I am again. Two days in a row. Praise God!! I am so excited to write to you all today. I know a lot of people in my small group of friends and family that have gone through some painful life experiences lately. So I am honored that God may use me to help aid some of you overcome your distored view of Him. He hasn't changed. The same God that formed you, is the same God that protects you. We all have heard the passage that says God will not give you more than you can handle. I am not sure about you...but sometimes I wonder if God thinks I am stronger than I think I am. Haha! I would normally have given up way before I got through some of my toughest times. And I would not be the powerful woman of Christ if He had let me. I trust His strategy. Do you?
Right now...think about God. Do you feel as though your view of His goodness and provision changed at some point? Do you feel as if He doesn't always hear your cries? Do you feel like he blesses others around you...and yet leaves you to fight for yourself? If you answered yes to any of these...I have great news for you! Your view is distorted right now...but God absolutely will restore it. He will bring you back to your first love of Him. To the days where you trusted Him whole-heartedly! He will destroy the enemies lies. Expose them to you, so that you will recognize them for what they are. Lies.
So, how do you change a distorted view? Here is what God gave me when asked this question...
1. Admit that it is your view that is distorted. Know, trust, take comfort in the fact that God is the same yesterday, today and forever!
2. Acknowledge that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him. Trust Him!
3. Seek healing. Don't waste another day with a heart full of pain that you can leave at the foot of the cross.
4. Find someone that you trust to keep you accountable and to hold you up in prayer. All of these steps are important...but this one is key. The enemy longs to seek you out, to destroy you, and ultimately to kill you. So prayer warriors are absolutely vital in your life. (Also, don't take the opportunity lightly, to hold someone else up in prayer. If someone has entrusted their circumstances to you...pray as if they were your own. Seek God on their behalf. Spiritual warfare really happens. Do your part in it.)
5. Wake up and meet with God. If you look in the scriptures of when Jesus lived as a man, you will see that often He went out early in the morning while it was still dark, to pray. What better example do you need? Jesus...it doesn't get better than that! =)
6. Sing His praise. I am sure that you have days like me. Days that you wake up and just don't feel like
praising. Praise Him anyway. Turn the worship music up loud. Dance if you have to. Do what it takes to change the desires of your heart. Unwanted allowance to be sad and sorrowful...to the desire to be joyful and compassionate.
7. Be God's cheerleader. Talk about Him often. Tell everyone about His faithfulness. Speak of Him as if you are in love.
8. Encourage others. There is something amazing about being used by God to change someone else's outlook. Whether it be their outlook on just that day...or on their eternity. When you can speak life into your friends and family...you will be amazed at how it fills your heart with the joy of the Lord.
9. Be a servant. Again, take your cues from Christ. He didn't need to serve others, He chose to. He did the will of His Father without question. He didn't ask why serving was so important. He trusted that God knew exactly what He was doing.
10. Be passionate about what God has placed in you. Whatever that is. For me it is writing, singing, encouraging and being a prayer warrior. I want to use those whenever God asks me. I want to write with a purpose. I want to sing with passion for my first love. I want to encourage when someone is struggling. And I want to pray whatever God lays on my heart!
You all have spiritual gifts. It is a promise from God. He has placed certain things in your heart that He desires you to use for Him. They are uniquely yours. Unlike any other! Have you been listening? Can you name them if asked? If you feel you have nothing to give back to God...let me pray for you. Comment or message me...and I would love to be your prayer warrior. You may be being deceived right now...because God does have plans for you. Specific plans. Plans that no one else can complete. You are not made to just coast through. He wants to use you...to bless you. To make you stronger. To increase your faith.
Commit to change your view...and change your life. Change the generations to come. Teach your children that we serve a God that is always faithful. Always!
That is what I long to write. Pages and pages of prayers for anyone that God leads me to! He works with purpose...not coincidence.
Words have power. Written words provide proof. You can read them, and reread them whenever you want. They can speak life to someone who needs encouragement. They can speak death to someone who is being deceived. The choice lies within you. How is it that you want people to remember you? Encourager...that is the gift that God has laid on my heart. To use my written, spoken, and/or sung words to lift people up. To be one link in their road to healing, restoration, joy. I have been without those things, and I claim them to be mine again. If you want me to seek God on a prayer for a specific situation...that is why I am here. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to pray God's Word of Life over you.
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