Words have power. Written words provide proof. You can read them, and reread them whenever you want. They can speak life to someone who needs encouragement. They can speak death to someone who is being deceived. The choice lies within you. How is it that you want people to remember you? Encourager...that is the gift that God has laid on my heart. To use my written, spoken, and/or sung words to lift people up. To be one link in their road to healing, restoration, joy. I have been without those things, and I claim them to be mine again. If you want me to seek God on a prayer for a specific situation...that is why I am here. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to pray God's Word of Life over you.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

“Thank You Jesus I am Healed!”

“Thank you JESUS I AM HEALED!” Those are the words that came from my 6 (almost 7) year old’s mouth last night in his bedtime prayer. I had been suffering with a massive headache since Tuesday night. Wednesday when I woke up with it…it was almost unbearable. I caved and took a pain pill…that later made me throw up. (Sorry Renee…Lysol to the resuce! ;) ) All day I suffered through. All day wanting to lay in my bed and wake up with it gone.

Finally last night it was time. BEDTIME!!!! I had been counting down the minutes since about…930am. (Don’t judge me…we all know you have all done it before! Lol!) I was trying to rush through bedtime routines quickly so that I could go be one with my bed.

I prayed with my daughter. Check.
I kissed her goodnight. Check.
I tucked her in tight. Check.
Got Levi laid down in his toddler bed. (At 1 1/2 years old…this is a step that was repeated several times.) Check…check…check…check.
Prayed with my three boys who share a bedroom. Check.

As I was planning my exit…my oldest son, Aiden began to pray. He didn’t ask if he could…because God knew I would probably have said, “No, not tonight…Mommy isn’t feeling well.” It would have been a ridiculously stupid answer to a wonderful question…but luckily he didn’t ask. He just began to pray.

“God please help my Mommy’s head to feel better. Help her to be able to rest. Touch her body and take away anything that is attacking her. Tomorrow if she doesn’t feel better help her to say…”I am healed, I am healed, I am healed, I am healed.” over and over again. (Each time he said it…he got a little bit louder!) And when you heal her head help her to tell all of her family and friends, “THANK YOU JESUS I AM HEALED!!” (This too was said with much emotion and almost a little bit of screamo in there.)” As he prayed these words over  me…he held my hand and squeezed it and shook it a little bit when he was getting into it!

I went from wanting to rush to my bed…to laying my head on the side of his bunk. Tears streamed down my face. A smile slowly formed across my mouth. I began to say “Yes Jesus!” in agreement with his passionate prayer for me. Oh how I didn’t deserve that prayer last night. I am one blessed

I woke up today with a slight headache. He asked me while he was getting ready for school. I wanted to lie and say that it felt fine…but I didn’t. He smiled and hugged me and said that he hoped I felt better. Just after 8am…while he was at school…my headache left me completely. I sent a text to his teacher…because she is also my wonderful sister-in-law. I can just imagine the smile that appeared on his face when she told him that his prayers were answered.

What a wonderful reminder. Keeping believing…and you will see results. I did. From the mouth of innocence…came much blessing. I am so glad he didn’t ask…and so glad he is paying attention to the examples set before him. I heard things that I pray. I felt squeezes that I do. I heard passion that I know I recognize in my own prayers. I saw mountains moving…at the command of a powerful child of Christ. Mine.

This makes all those nights of praying with my children…so worth it. They are paying attention. Exceptionally well I might add. They are putting these things to practice. I am so proud of who they are becoming. Prayer warriors. Worshippers. Servants.

I am reminded of this verse that I repeat to myself some days that I just don’t ‘feel’ like doing the right thing (whatever it may be.)
Proverbs 22:6 NIV
“Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” That promise brings me much joy…but thank goodness I don’t have to wait to be blessed by God through my children. They teach me to be a better person often daily! And I love that God placed them in my care…even on the days I don’t feel worthy to have such a huge responsibility. I love learning with them! =)

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