Words have power. Written words provide proof. You can read them, and reread them whenever you want. They can speak life to someone who needs encouragement. They can speak death to someone who is being deceived. The choice lies within you. How is it that you want people to remember you? Encourager...that is the gift that God has laid on my heart. To use my written, spoken, and/or sung words to lift people up. To be one link in their road to healing, restoration, joy. I have been without those things, and I claim them to be mine again. If you want me to seek God on a prayer for a specific situation...that is why I am here. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to pray God's Word of Life over you.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Coffee Connoisseur

I am giggling as I write today because I am sitting here sipping my latest coffee brand, Seattle’s Best. I picked it because of what the package says. It made me giggle…

Blog pics 017 I am not sure if you can read what it says. I guess I should’ve cropped it a little more. *shrugs shoulders* (On a side note…I just found out that I have been spelling the word ‘shrugs’…wrong for years. Huh. I would have bet money that there were two g’s. Ah well…you learn something new every day. Lol!) Back to business. The coffee description reads as follows…”A coffee for both the connoisseur and those who occasionally have trouble spelling it.” Bahaha! And I am one of those people. I put in some extra e’s and u’s…and left out an o and an n here and there. Haha…I love it! I commend the marketing crew on this one. I can’t decide if I will for sure buy it again. (The verdict is still out.) But…they sure got my attention once!

I am doing a taste test for a new coffee brand. I have to admit that I have been converted to the dark side. (Of the coffee connoisseur world that is. No need for an intervention here!) Ever since I got my new Bosch Tassimo Brewer (*bitterness here with them at the time being…but that is for another time and place*)…I have not been satisfied with my usual. Hangs head for a moment of silence for her former 20 year commitment to Maxwell House. It was the brand I grew up on. Every Saturday…my brothers and I were allowed to  have one cup of coffee. We learned to drink it just the way my mom did. Kinda weak (sorry mom). Lots of powdered cream. And of course a fair amount of sugar. (We didn’t like the taste of the actual coffee. We had to ‘doctor’ it up a bit. ;) ) It was the highlight of my weekends! =)

I stayed pretty true to this method until recently. (I did swap out the powdered cream and sugar for liquid flavors…but the coffee was the same.) Like I said though…I was fine with this coffee until I got my Tassimo. The lattes that I made were made with espresso…and it totally changed my taste preference. Now I’m really enjoying strong coffee. I feel like I am cheating on my mom. I was the last one of her children who still preferred her style coffee over my step-dad’s sludge…um…stronger version. Much stronger! I would always tell him I didn’t like having to chew my coffee. Haha!
So last week I was at Walmart…and I decided I would pick up a couple of new coffee brands. I already know I like Dunkin Donuts…so I ventured out from there.

Blog pics 019 These are my side by side testers of the week. Gevalia medium/dark ground coffee is on the left. I loved the cute little cup and saucer pictured on the front of the package. And of course yellow is always an eye-catcher! And any coffee that labels itself as incredibly smooth…is worth trying.
I have tasted Seattle’s Best…Blog pics 024 …so now I am on to Gevalia. (On a side note. I am in love with my Bunn! First…it is great shape for being made in 1999! Second…I get almost instant coffee. And…it stays HOT! Didn’t realize what a luxury this feature was until I was without it. ;) I still appreciate the coffee pot that was loaned to me…but I was REALLY excited when I fixed my Bunn!!!!)

Blog pics 028 I add this picture only to show that you can now tell that this is coffee and not chocolate milk. I was adding more cream than coffee before. I am actually liking the flavor of coffee more and more. It is amazing how quickly my taste buds adjusted! Soon…I will be down from 1/4 cup (might be a bit of an exaggeration…but not much)…to 1 tsp per mug of coffee. THAT IS HUGE FOR ME! Haha!

Blog pics 030 I love this pic of Ariel! She is a little ham when it comes to the camera. A free spirit, most who know her say. Just last night she was making up a song after I prayed with her at bedtime. It was four minutes of awesomeness! I did have to shut the camera off for a short time only because I was shaking with laughter…and I was not being the most effective camera-woman. Haha! I love that she isn’t shy…and that she sings for Jesus often. She says that if you aren’t singing to Jesus…what is the point? I agree, with all that I am! =)

Okay…so I have a winner for my morning coffee contest. Drum roll please…
Blog pics 020 Sorry Seattle. Even with your awesome marketing on the package…I have to go with actual flavor. Gevalia wins this morning’s contest. (Click on the link to order a bag for yourself!) More testing will follow. (I won’t blog each one…just wanted to sit and be happy with my coffee today. And this post makes me happy!)

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