God’s response made me laugh and cry all at the same time. (Yes…I can do that. As I have said before, it is a special gift. Oh na-tur-all! Haha!) His answer to my “WHY?!”…
“I am breaking your heart for what breaks mine! You asked me to remember? I’ve been answering that request for over 3 years now, and you have forgotten that you ever asked. You have screamed at Me. You have cried to Me. You have asked me to stop. But Vanesa, I know what is best. I knew that when you chose to ask AND LISTEN for my response…that you would understand nothing was for loss but for gain. I am making you stronger. I am proving that your prayers are not only heard, but that they are vital to those I am sending to you. I am teaching you how to be a more powerful and effective warrior for My Kingdom. I am showing you how to have compassion like your Father. I am teaching you how to love without condition. And I am asking you to go be my hands and feet to these people I am revealing to you. The time is now. You have been preparing for this. And I got cho (your) back!” –God
Did you cry while reading that? I definitely cried while I wrote it. To see the plan of God unfold is overwhelming…in a good way. It always makes me simultaneously laugh and cry! It makes all of the labor pains that we've had to endure…worth the birth of something greater than us. God’s response to my question was life changing. I pray that I am never the same as I was before!
So, you might be asking…what does that mean? How did God break your heart for what breaks His? Good question! I knew you’d ask! =) It was simple really. A phone call. A text. A conversation over coffee. And in those conversations came a simple request. Please pray for me. Friends of mine ask me often. I love that they view me as someone who can be trusted to do as they say they will.
What would happen next though was the part that I kept
And those examples listed above are all within the last few months. This has been happening…literally…for over 3 years now. *Smacks hand on forehead!* I felt like I was going crazy. The enemy told me I was a hypochondriac. He told me that I was just seeking attention. Or that I was just ‘making it up’. Because, you see, the longer he could delay me from searching for truth to cover his lies…the more frustrated I would become. If he could keep me in that state…maybe I would even stop praying!?
Ahhh…but our God is stronger than that. He knows what the enemy tries to use against us, only makes us stronger.
So bring it on. I want prayer requests. No matter their nature. I want to see God move in a mighty way. I want to be used because it makes my faith grow stronger. I will not fear things of this world. I trust my Father. I know Him. And I know that He is forming me to be a powerhouse of prayer for those that He sends my way. There is a spiritual war going on…and I will war with you my friend.
Send me your requests. I am ready for a fight! =)
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