Tell me…what is this a picture of?
This little chunk of the picture is the part that God allows you to see.
I know for me…it is because I would not have followed the same path. I would not have gone through some of the things that God gave me victory over if given the choice. And if I hadn’t, I would not be who I am now. I would not be where I am now.
I would not have experienced a miraculous healing from post-partum depression, because I would have avoided ever going through it if God had allowed me to see it coming. I would have missed out on the blessings of my four living children if I had known that I would have three others that would never make it to full term, and chosen not to go through that heartache. I would have chickened out on a lot of things that have been used for my good.
I know now that I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT REALLY IS BEST FOR ME! I do not know what it takes to stir up the calling that God has placed on my life. But I can trust Him 100%. I know that NOW. If I had not seen God work all of these things together for my good…I would not trust Him as I do now. I have absolutely no reason NOT to trust Him. He has been the only One who has never failed me. He has always been faithful!
You have heard it said that only God can see the ‘big picture’. This is the whole mural on the side of a building in Corry.
The way I see it, there are four different types of people.
1) Those who have their nose smashed against the mural and are desperately trying to figure it out before they move at all.
2) Those who have their nose smashed against the mural and have their eyes closed because they fear what they will see and might not like.
3)Those who have their backs to the mural and can’t figure out why they don’t know where to go next.
4)And then there are those who have their nose smashed against the mural and trust that God will reveal His way. They wait when He says wait. They move when He says move. They trust because they have every reason to…and absolutely no reason not to!
I want to be the one who trusts. I want to be the one who is willing to go wherever God instructs. I want to stand when He tells me to stand. I want to speak when He tells me to speak. I want to sing when He tells me to sing. And I want to write when He tells me to write. (Right now…I should be sleeping. It is almost 1:00 am and the alarm is set for 5:10 am.) But, here I am practicing what I am preaching. God told me to write this post tonight. As I am typing I don’t even have the pictures taken that you will have for the final draft of this post. But when God speaks…I write. I have learned that my fuzzy color blob is beautiful when I trust the eye that sees it all!
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