Words have power. Written words provide proof. You can read them, and reread them whenever you want. They can speak life to someone who needs encouragement. They can speak death to someone who is being deceived. The choice lies within you. How is it that you want people to remember you? Encourager...that is the gift that God has laid on my heart. To use my written, spoken, and/or sung words to lift people up. To be one link in their road to healing, restoration, joy. I have been without those things, and I claim them to be mine again. If you want me to seek God on a prayer for a specific situation...that is why I am here. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to pray God's Word of Life over you.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Am I a Member of Obsessive Picture Takers Anonymous?…YES I AM!

Morning all! How is your fall treating you? If you are in a place where the leaves aren’t changing, and your nights are not getting cool enough for a pumpkin latte and a blanket…I am so sorry. Fall is my fave…and I often think about all it has to offer. Backdrops for pictures, check. Jeans and sweaters, check. Cuddling under a blanket, check. Pumpkin everything, check. FALL BACK time change, coming soon! ;)

So the other day I decided it was time to get some good shots of my children before all the leaves are gone…and the cool days turn to bitter cold. I had gotten some good shots of my daughter the other day, but I needed pictures of my 3 sons. They may or may not be a large part of Christmas gifts that I plan on doing. *wink wink*

My oldest son recently started the swim team…so I had to hurry and get his done first. I made him carry the box I wanted him to sit on and everything. I told him…”Oh, just one more spot.” After I had said that about twenty-five a few times…I was testing his patience with me. He just kept smiling and saying…”MOM!”

This first shot is in our front yard by one of our big maple trees.
2012 Fall Photo Shoot 190 

I love that he is willing to do what his mother asks of him. He really has such a sweet, caring spirit.

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This one I call Aiden’s ‘model shot’. I just happened to snap the picture at the perfect time. Love it when that happens! Such a handsome little man he is! (Says his clearly unbiased mother! Ask my grandma, my mom, my aunts, my great aunts…they will all say that same. Hahaha!) This picture is taken in front of our garage door. It is funny that it can be such an eye sore on the building…but makes a great rustic back drop for my pictures!
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My second-born…my only baby girl…was a mess this day. (Which is expected…and normal for her!) I thought maybe her messy waves would work well for the outdoorsy windy shots.
I got a few that I am pleased with. Not super excited…but satisfied.
I do love the sun on her face here. She is obviously gorgeous no matter what! ;)
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She brings joy to the people that she is with. She loves simply. She encourages often. She sings all day. She laughs easily. She smiles a LOT! And I would be lost without her in my day!
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I will save my favorite pictures for last. So we will move on today my baby…Levi. He is not so much a baby anymore. He is two now, and he has his own little agenda. First on his list of things to do…
Stand up. Sit down. Stand up. Sit down…(Need I continue?)
Here he is half standing, half sitting, and very much laughing at his big sister. I love his hands in this shot!
2012 Fall Photo Shoot 231

Next on his agenda…play with that stupidstinkin stick. That face though, I can’t stay mad at that face…
2012 Fall Photo Shoot 310

Here, he clearly was not as patient as his siblings. This was our third walk to a different ‘backdrop’ on our farm, and he was not going to pretend to be happy. (I actually love it though. He makes me smile…even when he tries to look grumpy. It usually makes me laugh. Only thing that would make it better…if he had crossed his arms. LOVE that!)
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Final check off his list…pretend not to hear mom and jump, both feet, as high up as his little legs would carry him…
2012 Fall Photo Shoot 406 into a mud puddle.

Soooo, for the last year or so…my middle son Titus has been very frustrating uncooperative during my photo shoots. I would literally take 45 pictures of him with the same grumpy face saying…

It is very upsetting to an obsessive picture taker. Luckily with children, most things come and go in phases. Whew…I am so happy that that phase seems to be OVER!

Here are my favorite pictures of the day…
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I am so happy to have my handsome, happy, brown-eyed boy back!
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He has a killer smile! And he smiled as long as I wanted…at each stop…without complaining. LOVE!
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And my favorite of the day…

Drum roll please…………………………………………………………………………………………

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I tend to be drawn to black and whites. Not always…but when I edit my pictures and I find one like this… It puts all the focus just where I want it. The subject. And it just makes my day!!

Have a blessed day all! Enjoy your family. Tell them how much you adore them. Encourage them in the gifts God has placed within them. And love without condition. It is the only way to love…in the imitation of our Father!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Daisy...Oh Daisy

Ever feel like your every move is being watched?!? I feel like that every time I enter my barn. All the animals are planning their attack...I'm sure of it. Lol! (Chickens tend to freak me out the most. I would call myself scared cautious...mainly because my legs are longer than theirs. And I can flail and kick with the best of them.)

Did you ever walk into your barn...only to realize that your 500 lb pig is loose and waiting for you to leave the door open? Wait, what?! Is that a 'No' I heard? Huh...surprising! ;) Well that was my afternoon yesterday. First it was the discovery of a loose pig. (Don't let them fool you...they are strong. She has more strength in her snout to neck area...than I have confidence in my ability to deal with her.)

She's a sloppy eater! Pig! Bahaha!
Next was the issue of how to get her lured back into her pen...all by my lonesome. I decided I'd try to coax her with some yummy food. *!!Note to readers with a 500 lb loose pig...they are not impressed with carrots or celery. If they were...they might not be 500lbs.!!* ;) I did find some garlic bread that I had put in the fridge a few days (or 5) ago that clearly none of us liked...and boy was I relieved that that was all it took!

Last, was the whole "if she got loose once...she will do it again" problem. I figured my work was done...*shines nails on shirt here*. It was my husband's problem...right?

I then proudly proceeded to text my husband while he was at swim practice with my son...to tell him of my afternoon adventure. I thought he too would be pleased with my effort. (I very quickly regretted that decision.) His response back...was for ME to secure the door of the pen with a slab of plywood. He made it sound so simple.

That was so NOT the case! I can assure you it was anything BUT simple. The plywood chunks were either too large or too small. (I try to stay away from running electric saws and so forth. It is in everyone best interest if I do.) The 2x4's I decided to use already had nails in them...and proved to be another challenge. The only other nails I could find were 12 inches long. Okay...they were probably 2 1/2 to 3 inches...but it seemed like 12 while my arms were getting tired of hammering. I would get them to a certain point and they would bend. Again. And Again. And again.

At which point I reached my level  of frustration...that I became very intense, purposeful and surprisingly strong. Sucess! It was not at all pretty or "quality craftmanship"...but I had reached my goal. Pig secured.

I can make anything into a blog post right? Yep! That's my style.                                This => is NOT my style. Haha!

Have you ever gone through a rough patch in life? (If you say no I will beat you with... just scream I will not believe you!) You will get to the point of extreme frustration and you will have a choice. Choose to blow up and give up. (Been there. Done that. The pleasure of quitting soon fades...and harsh reality sets in.) OR you can choose to become intense to find God in your storm. You can be purposeful in each step and decision you make...always confiding in God as your Counsel. And guess what will happen...

STRENGTH that you didn't know you could muster up. Not by your might...but HIS! It is amazing. It will give you reason to sing when you feel the things around you crumble. It will give you a new fire for the Word of God. The passions that God has put in you will be awakened and alive again.

That is how my weeks have been. Full of song. Full of God. And gaining strength each day. I have chosen NOT to blow up and give up. How about you? Can I pray for you in your storm? If you can't see God in it...become intense. Look for Him in every situation. Every conversation. Every blessing. And then praise HIM! He deserves to be praised...and longs to hear your praise...and He loves you whether you do it or not. It is for YOUR benefit...and those around you. You might spark hope in someone else.

I want to be a sparkler for Jesus. Yes, I just said that. Corny...absolutely! But I am done holding back for the fear of being judged. I'm not writing for you (you know what I mean)...I'm writing for Him. If you are blessed...praise God that He cares enough about YOU to let you experience joy amidst pain. Start sparkling beloved. You are an heir to the Throne of Grace. Be proud of who your Daddy is!! =)